
Singleton and Charlton Parish Council forms part of the first tier of local government, elected by our residents to represent the community.

We work closely with Chichester District Council and West Sussex County Council and our activities fall into three main categories: representing our local community, delivering services to meet local needs, and improving quality of life and community well being.

Become a Councillor

We have an allocation of 9 Councillors and currently have three vacancy.

If you are interested please contact the Clerk. as we would love to hear from you! You need to ensure you meet the criteria for eligibility and are not disqualified, and also meet the person specification - see below.

Parish Councillors are elected by residents at ordinary elections which are held every four years. If a position becomes vacant due to a Councillor resigning, dying, or being disqualified, a vacant seat is created. If after displaying a notice of vacancy for at least 14 working days, no written notice has been submitted by at least 10 electors of the Parish requesting a by-election , the vacancy can be filled by co-option.

The Good Councillors Guide, 2018 edition gives essential guidance for Parish Councillors and is a welcome resource for new councillors and for those thinking about becoming Councillor

Criteria for Eligibility

A person is eligible to be co-opted provided they are qualified to be a councillor pursuant to s.79 of the Local Government Act 1972 (“the Act”) and are not disqualified pursuant to s.80 of the Act. 

For more details click here.

Person Specification

As long as you meet the eligibility criteria, anyone can become a Parish Councillor. The main thing is that you are willing to volunteer your time to work for free on behalf of your community. You do not have to belong to a political party, you just need to be concerned with local community matters.

For more details click here.

What is a Parish Council?

  • It is a local authority and sometimes referred to as a Local Council.
  • Is the first tier of local Government and closest to the people
  • It comprises a chairman and councillors
  • Councillors are elected every four years
  • The chairman is elected annually from among the councillors
  • It is a statutory body corporate and acts corporately

What can a Parish Council do?

  • It can only act within the scope of the statutory functions given by Parliament 
  • It can own land and other assets, employ staff, enter into contracts for services, supplies and works 
  • It must appoint an officer to manage its financial affairs 
  • It can raise a tax through a precept and must set a budget for the purpose of revenue (and capital) income and expenditure 
  • It can borrow monies for capital expenditure