How is Singleton Parish Council funded?

Our funding is allocated by Chichester District Council (CDC)and is taken from the area’s council tax. This is called the Annual Precept. The income and expenditure for the next financial year are calculated in the form of estimates and this amount is added to residents local council tax and then returned to us in two yearly installments. We inform CDC how much precept we require on an annual basis in January once the budget has been agreed.

The Annual Precept for 2024/25 is set at £26,608.00

The precept for 2024/25 has been increased by .05p per week, £2.85 per year, for a Band D property, .

Your Parish Council continually strives to improve the facilities and ambience of our villages; there are currently projects in progress to improve the playground area and update the available equipment; provide safe parking in The Leys for the School, visitors to The Village Hall and visitors to the Village. Plans are also moving forward to improve significantly the traffic and road safety issues on the A286 through a Community Highways Scheme. We have also applied for a 30mph speed limit in Town Lane from the Weald and Downland Museum to the junction with the A286 and a 20mph speed limit past Singleton School and through Charlton.

Although all the major projects listed above require funding through third party grants and donations, an increase in the precept gives us modest additional scope to keep investing on behalf of our villages

Precept and Banding Calculator
2023/24 2024/25 Increase
£25,241 Precept £26,608 5.00%
251.2 Tax Base 256.5 2.11%
£100.88 Band D £103.73 2.83%

Band D increase per £1,000 precept rise £3.90
Full Breakdown by Band
Current Year Next Year Weekly Increase
£67.25 Band A £69.16 £0.04
£78.46 Band B £80.68 £0.04
£89.67 Band C £92.21 £0.05
£100.48 Band D £103.73 £0.05
£123.30 Band E £126.79 £0.07
£145.72 Band F £149.84 £0.08
£168.14 Band G £172.89 £0.09
£201.76 Band H £207.47 £0.11