
The local planning authority for Singleton and Charlton Parish is South Downs National Park. They consult on planning applications within the South Downs National Park. To see information on local planning applications go to,

You can view all documents and comments associated with an application.

Singleton and Charlton Parish Council hold public meetings to discuss any complex applications. These meetings are advertised on the notice boards and website. If you have any comments or queries regarding planning applications, please contact the Parish Clerk via email – or telephone – 01243 811810.

Below are the current applications in this Parish.

Planning List – 18th July 2024 t0 20th September 2024

Reference 23/00704/FUL

Weald & Downland Museum

Erection of additional production facilities buildings, fencing and storage building for a temporary period until 9th November 2026 to align with the temporary permission granted under application SDNP/21/04570/FUL. Installation of Geogrid parking bays to provide additional parking.

Planning Officer – Lauren Cripps

Deadline for Comments – 30th May 2023

Singleton and Charlton Parish Council Comment – We have studied this application and associated documents and are pleased to add our support for this application. Our only suggestion would be to include some low level planting on the sides visible from the museum grounds, to reflect the kind of mixed native hedging that can be seen around many of the exhibits in the rural areas of the museum.

SDNP Comment-


North Lane House, North Lane, Charlton

Notification of intention to remove hollowed dead centre due to Pseudomonas (Bleeding Canker), crown reduce by 2m (to allow rebalancing of crown) on 1 no. Horse Chestnut tree (quoted as 1). Crown reduce by 2m (to suitable growth points) on 2 no. Horse Chestnut trees (quoted as 2 & 3).

Planning Officer – Henry Whitby

Deadline for Comments – 2nd August 2024

Singleton and Charlton Parish Council Comment – No Objection.

SDNP Comment - Application Withdrawn

Reference 24/02786/TCA

The Rectory, The Grove, Singleton

Notification of intention to width reduce crown by 1m (overhanging public footpath) on 1 Ash tree (T1). Crown reduce by 1m on 1 Yew tree (T2).

Planning Officer – Henry Whitby

Deadline for Comments – 29th August 2024

Singleton and Charlton Parish Council Comment – The Parish Council has no objection to the application as we consider it to be general maintenance.

SDNP Comment -

Reference 24/030470/HOUS

Flambards, Singleton

Erection of traditional style, painted aluminium framed domestic greenhouse with low brick walling to the base.

Planning Officer – Beverley Stubbington

Deadline for Comments – 2nd October 2024

Singleton and Charlton Parish Council Comment –

SDNP Comment -

Reference 24/03883/HOUS & 24/03884/LIS

Thatch Cottage, Singleton

Single storey garden room

Planning Officer – Jemma Frankland

Deadline for Comments – 11th November 2024

Singleton and Charlton Parish Council Comment –

SDNP Comment –

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